Tuesday 26 March 2019

the seabirds

this is the sea birds OK? DA SEABIRDS


  1. Hi Ollie, My name Lucas. I really like your blog set up and formation. Your fact card is really cool and it has a lot information. By the way how do you get the text boxes? Blog you later By Lucas. Cheek out my blog later @https://odslucasc.blogspot.com/

  2. hi Ollie my name is lucas I like how you are telling us some facts about birds do you like birds I like how much you have written.

  3. Kia Ora I am Mia in Mamaku 2 at grey main school.I really like how you gave a lot of facts about sea birds and what I learnt is that sea birds nest in colonies but maybe next time put the habitat and where is the Walt . Noho ora mai.


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